Saturday, March 14, 2009

Gramma Time

I am just returning from a trip with my "Tooters" (Tyler). He is just too cute for his own britches. He is 19 months and thinks he's 5.

He had alot of fun with with cousin,Kayne. Aunt Penny bought him some fancy slippers and a new pair of shoe along with a million clothes and toys from Kayne. He loved them all.

I loved the time that I spent with my family, the only thing is that time goes by so fast when I am visiting. I would of liked to spend more time with my family. Guess I am just gonna have to go back again soon!.

The weather was so nice while I was there, Mid to high 70's. Then I get back to Santa fe and it is 21 degrees and snow.... hmmm What is wrong with me???

Hope you enjoy my pictures!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Let's Do the Zoo~~~~

Tyler loved the Zoo when Mom and dad took him last weekend. He loved all the animals. Nikki says that she could not keep up with him cause he just ran and ran and ran all day long!!! Dad even loved the peacock ride! What us parents do for our kids is amazing as well as embarresing.

Atlanta gets March snow!!!

Hey all~~~ Here it is March 1st and Atlanta Ga is getting a snow storm. Some may say "no way'" but Here are some pictures to prove it. Tyler and Joey are having a ball in the snow. I love the little footprints...... Boomer looks like he is lovin' it as well.......

New or old,,,gotta love 'em

Hello All~~ Dan was so excited to fly this flag this year. There is the updated flag on its way. It should be delivered this week. Since Tony has switched teams, #20 is history and #14 heeeeeere we come!.