Saturday, October 31, 2009

Spankey brings home a surprise

All's well here in Santa Fe. Still enjoying it emensly. Dan however, is ready to head somewhere that the wind don't blow EVERYDAY, and the sun shines more than 2 minutes a day. We had our first snowfall this week. Woke up Monday morning (October 25th)with about an 1" of snow on the ground. Then another snowfall shut the job down on Wednesday. There was about 4" this go round and it stayed on the ground for 3 days. It was really pretty. All the ski resorts are preparing for an early Grand Opening to the ski season.

Spankey was out exploring one afternoon and she brought back a souvineer. A skelaton of a coyote. It was huge. She dragged it into Dan's office. Needless to say, she dragged it back outside real fast! She had a great time with it. YUCK.

Tyler is also growing up fast. Here are some recent photos of him.. He is ansiously waiting for his sister to arrive...Nikki is too!

Shannon is activly planning her "wedding of a lifetime". She is super busy between moving into her new house that her and DC just bought, and planning a wedding.

Derek is doing great in College. Made the top grade in his economics class. Still working and going to school. Busy, busy busy!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Dan's 51st birthday party

Dan turned 51 today. We went to Red Lobster for dinner.

We had a pretty nice day.

Last night we had some of our friends over for a little birthday celabration at our place.

We drank, danced, ate(Potts roasted some chili's over the grill along with hambergers and hot dogs.) and drank some more. We all had a great time and we are very thankful for having such nice friends here in Santa Fe to spend Dan's special day with .

Road Trip

Dan and I spent the weekend in Carlsbad,NM last weekend and we had a great time. We drove 3 hours to Roswell,NM and spent the night with the Aliens. In 1947 there was an alien sighting, so this town of Roswell had a reputation of having aliens. All the lamp posts had alien heads on them with the dark black oval eyes. We went to the Alien Musuem in town. All the buildings had lilttle green men on them or in them or both. It was very fun.

The next day we got up and drove another 2 hours to Carlsbad Caverns. We spent about 3 hours going down 800 ft inside a cave. It was amazing. The path down was narrow and slippery. I was sure to hold on to the railing very tightly because I am not very graceful, and I didn't want to be apart of the stalagmites on the bottom of the cave.

We had fun on our little trip

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Barney's Party Zone

Well it is finally finished....The Barney's Party Zone". Dan and Joe (our neighboor) installed a ceiling fan for our camp. Dan insisted on blue light baulbs to make the place look cool. It is so relaxing just to sit out there and have a beer from time to time. Now that the nights are getting cooler, the campfire feels so comfy.

Also here are a few pictures of Spankey. Now 5 months old and already bigger than what the animal shelter told me that she would be full grown. She weighs 28 lbs and still climbing....

We have such fun with her. She has learned tons of tricks, and she loves to play in the concrete washout hole that we have on the job. Its just a big hole where the concrete trucks wash out their trucks. She splashes around that washout like it was a freshwater lake. Then she comes home with concrete all over her and when she dries, she looks white.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Tyler is "2"

Seems like just yesterday when I was in the delivery room with Nikki, Joey and Tyler. Two years later, he is running around crazy, playing with, swimming in the pool, riding a tricycle, and he loves the new scooter that Bampa and I bought him for his birthday....He is such a great little man and soon he will be a great "big" brother.
Of course, the cake was the funnest part of his birthday!

Birthday wishes to Tyler, and to my sister,Penny on August 1st. Also to Kayne!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Shannons Engaged

Here are a few pictures of our visit to Pensacola last week. Shannon is showing her ring. And DC is very excited to be getting a new "brother" Derek ad DC get along great and they have a lot of fun together. They have tentativly set the date for May 22nd, but is likely to change by a week or two either way.

Shannon and DC are working on buying this cute house just around the corner from where they live now. It is an old Victorian style home with 2 stories. Everyone is so happy with their engagment and plans are in action !!

On Saturday,July 18th our family all got together to celebrate Nikki and Joey's wedding. They have been together over 4 years and they decided to make it official. It was such a nice day. It is always so special when our family gets together because we always have such fun. It wasn't a big wedding, Derek traveled from Pensacola, My brother from GA and his wife and kids, my sister,Kelly (who hasn't missed a celebration yet) from Venice, and my mom and Tom. My neice , Jessica from NC drove down for the celebration. As well as a few others. Thanks to all those who shared in this day with Nikki and Joey.

Tyler was the life of the party. He danced on the table, fell off the table, got back on the table and continued to strut his stuff. He is the cutest thing in the world. Not sure how he is gonna accept his new sister in December. He is the center of attention now, and that will be tough to compete with. Tyler called Derek, "Uncle D" and they were the best of friends. Derek spent most of his time laughing at Tyler. He comes up with some funny stuff. He will be 2 on July 29th and this is the most funnest age. He copies EVERYTHING that you do or say.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


This is Spankey our new rescus pup. We got her from the Animal shelter in Santa Fe. She is a mix of Rottweiler and lab we think. She has gotten to be a favorite around the job site. She visits all the workers and is very fun to have around. She just turned 3 months and we have taught her lots of tricks...