Saturday, October 31, 2009

Spankey brings home a surprise

All's well here in Santa Fe. Still enjoying it emensly. Dan however, is ready to head somewhere that the wind don't blow EVERYDAY, and the sun shines more than 2 minutes a day. We had our first snowfall this week. Woke up Monday morning (October 25th)with about an 1" of snow on the ground. Then another snowfall shut the job down on Wednesday. There was about 4" this go round and it stayed on the ground for 3 days. It was really pretty. All the ski resorts are preparing for an early Grand Opening to the ski season.

Spankey was out exploring one afternoon and she brought back a souvineer. A skelaton of a coyote. It was huge. She dragged it into Dan's office. Needless to say, she dragged it back outside real fast! She had a great time with it. YUCK.

Tyler is also growing up fast. Here are some recent photos of him.. He is ansiously waiting for his sister to arrive...Nikki is too!

Shannon is activly planning her "wedding of a lifetime". She is super busy between moving into her new house that her and DC just bought, and planning a wedding.

Derek is doing great in College. Made the top grade in his economics class. Still working and going to school. Busy, busy busy!

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