Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Warm Fire Always Brings Friends

Today is another nice day in NM. The gas has finally dropped to under $2.00 a gallon in Albuquerque, but still is $2.89 in Santa Fe. I have found that the cost of living here is alot more than what we are used to. The groceries are unbelievable! We live a few miles away from a multi-million $ housing area. Alot of the homes belong to famous people and are unbelievable. Val Kilmer is just one of the stars that live there. Valerie Bertenelli is another. I am sure there are millions more, and I will research this more.

We have a campfire everynight at our RV. We always have someone stop by and enjoy the fire with us. Last week we had Dan's best friend from Atlanta, Greg Bell, visit us. We stood outside in 20 degree temp. cooking steak and corn on the grill. We enjoyed every bit of it. Several of Dan's co-workers also find their way to the campfire to get warm and to have a coctail with us.

His company is pouring us some concrete for a patio today. Or little home is finally coming together. A privacy fence is also going in along the back of the RV to hide the electrical trailer in the way and also to break the wind alittle.

Have a Happy Halloween to you all....

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Halloween is almost here

Today in Santa Fe it is a bit chilly. The low was 31 last night and it is only 41 at 11 am. Tonight the low is supposed to be 21. Brrrrr Thats ok thought because our RV is all weather-proofed. We have lots of insulation around the outside and the pipes are all covered. We should be in good shape for the winter days ahead! Bring it on!!!!

Our gas is still higher than most places. The lowest is $3.01 It is going down but not very fast.

We decorated a bit for Halloween. As a child growing up we always made a straw-filled man that we named "Elmer". He sat on our front porch throughout the holiday. This tradition was passed along to my children. Me and the kids every year made an "Elmer". It was alot of fun because every year he was different. I, to this day, still construct Elmer for the Halloween season. I have attached a picture of Elmer. We live out in the middle of nowhere, so there will be no trick-or-treaters so enjoy him, but all Dan's construction buddies get a kick out of him.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Life Is Good

Today is a beautiful Fall day in Santa Fe. The sun is shinning and the temperature is 74 outside. The ski season is officially OPEN! Dan and I are going to take a day-trip to Toas Ski Resort on Saturday which is only a couple hours north of Santa Fe. We will be checking out the snow amounts and the steepness of the trails. We still don't have all the proper ski equipment yet, but it is still early. This is the earliest the ski season has opened in 10 years. Season usually opens in November.
I am also very excited about a trip that I have planned for the end of the month. I am heading back to GA to see my daughter Nikki and my grandson, Tyler. As a special bonus,,, my other two children ,Shannon and Derek are meeting me there for the weekend. They will be traveling from Pensacola. So we will have a great family-time weekend that I desperatly need. Shannon has a cute lil' baby of her own that she is bringing. His name is Huck, and he loves alot of attention. His 4 legs are soo small that he will have to practise his fast running now to stay away from Tyler. Tyler likes to grab fur!!! Ouch !!! Shannon has given him the nickname "captain grabby" and he lives up to his name very well.
He is the cutest lil yorkie in the world and he will be wearing his own Halloween costume on the trip. .

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My little Devil

Nikki sent me these pictures of Tyler trying out his Halloween costume, and I just had to share his cute, little chubby face. I will be seeing him on Halloween for a few days and just can't wait. The other couple of pictures are too cute not to share as well.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Early mountian snow

Believe it or not~~~ There is snow up on them there hills~~ October 6th and already there is a dusting of snow up on the higher mountains. Here is Santa Fe it was 45 degrees last night, however in the higher elevations there was snow. The days still warm up niceley, 79 was todays high. I hope that this early snow is not an indication of what the winter will be. YIKES

Balloon Fiesta '08

You have not experienced anything in this world that can compare to the Albuquerque Hot Air Balloon Fiesta. Dan and I went on Saturday morning at 4am. Yup,,, 4 am and it was every bit worth rollin outta bed for. There were over 600 hot air balloons all going up. The assention started about 7am and all the balloons were in the air by 9am. It was the most beautiful event that I have ever seen. We will definatly make this an annual event .