Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Warm Fire Always Brings Friends

Today is another nice day in NM. The gas has finally dropped to under $2.00 a gallon in Albuquerque, but still is $2.89 in Santa Fe. I have found that the cost of living here is alot more than what we are used to. The groceries are unbelievable! We live a few miles away from a multi-million $ housing area. Alot of the homes belong to famous people and are unbelievable. Val Kilmer is just one of the stars that live there. Valerie Bertenelli is another. I am sure there are millions more, and I will research this more.

We have a campfire everynight at our RV. We always have someone stop by and enjoy the fire with us. Last week we had Dan's best friend from Atlanta, Greg Bell, visit us. We stood outside in 20 degree temp. cooking steak and corn on the grill. We enjoyed every bit of it. Several of Dan's co-workers also find their way to the campfire to get warm and to have a coctail with us.

His company is pouring us some concrete for a patio today. Or little home is finally coming together. A privacy fence is also going in along the back of the RV to hide the electrical trailer in the way and also to break the wind alittle.

Have a Happy Halloween to you all....

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