Saturday, November 29, 2008

Our Trip To Taos Ski Valley

Dan and I just returned from the mountain. We intentionaly went to ski, but after we seen the hills we both had second thoughts. They were pretty BIG. We need to get into shape before we tackle this beast of a mountain. The drive up to the mountain was so pretty. It had snowed the night before and there was alot of fresh snow on the roads (if ya wanna call them roads, more like trechouse trails) We had alot of fun just looking around and drinking hot choclate. Isn't that what OLD people do? No just kidding! =) We are gonna do some practising on some smaller slopes before we hit the BIG ones. Santa Fe Ski is just a few miles up the road, so we will start there!

We stopped at this old bridge in Taos that was built over the Rio Grande River hundreds of years ago. The ersosion and evaporation of the river makes it almost impossbile to see from this height. It was pretty scarry. It is very sad to see how much of the river is left after all these years. The Grande River is not as grande as she was before. It is still a beautiful sight. Just to think that Billy the Kid and his possy once romped these grounds daily, running from the Indians! New Mexico has alot of history behind it. We are only just beginning to visit all the historic sights that NM has to offer.

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